
How to get fromVenice to Schalkholz Krimby plane, train, car, car train, bus, taxi or night train

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There are 8 ways to get from Venice to Schalkholz Krim by plane, train, car, car train, bus, taxi, or night train

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Fly from Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE) to Hamburg Airport (HAM)planeVCE - HAM
    2. Take the train from Hamburg-Altona to Heide(Holst)train

    Fly to Hamburg Airport, train

    8h 31m
    1. Drive from Venice to Mallnitz-Obervellachcar
    2. Take the car train from Mallnitz-Obervellach to Hamburg Hbfcartrain
    3. Drive from Hamburg Hbf to Schalkholz Krimcar

    Drive, car train

    16h 34m
    1. Take the bus from Venezia, Tronchetto fermata dell'autobus to Ljubljana Central Bus Stationbus
    2. Take the bus from Ljubljana bus station to Kiel central bus stationbusN73
    3. Take the taxi from Neuwittenbek Ortsmitte to Schalkholz Krimtaxi

    Bus, taxi

    26h 46m
    1. Take the train from Venezia S. Lucia to Villach HbftrainRj
    2. Take the night train from Villach Hbf to Hamburg Altonanighttrain
    3. Take the train from Hamburg-Altona to LundentrainRe6

    Train, night train

    22h 49m
    1. Fly from Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE) to Bremen Airport (BRE)planeVCE - BRE
    2. Take the train from Bremen Hbf to Hamburg-Altonatrain
    3. Take the train from Hamburg-Altona to Heide(Holst)train

    Fly to Bremen Airport, train

    11h 54m
    1. Take the train from Venezia S. Lucia to Milan CentraletrainFr
    2. Take the train from Milan Centrale to Arth-GoldautrainEc
    3. Take the train from Arth-Goldau to Basel SBBtrainEc
    4. Take the train from Basel SBB to Neumünstertrain20
    5. Take the train from Neumuenster to AlbersdorftrainRe


    18h 41m
    1. Take the night train from Venezia S. Lucia to Wels HbfnighttrainNj
    2. Take the night train from Wels Hbf to Hamburg-AltonanighttrainNj
    3. Take the train from Hamburg-Altona to Heide(Holst)trainRe6

    Night train, train

    24h 28m
    1. Drive from Venice to Schalkholz Krimcar1,390 km

    Drive 1,390 km

    12h 36m

Venice to Schalkholz Krim by train, night train, and bus

Calendar1Weekly Services
Duration22h 49mAverage Duration
Ticket€166Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Venice, Italy and Schalkholz Krim, Germany?

You can take a train from Venezia S. Lucia to Schalkholz Krim via Milan Centrale, Arth-Goldau, Basel SBB, Neumuenster, and Albersdorf in around 18h 41m.

Train operators
Bus operators
Other operators

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