
How to get fromSingapore to The Residence Bintan, Kawalby bus, ferry, taxi or subway

Find Transport to The Residence Bintan, Kawal

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There are 4 ways to get from Singapore to The Residence Bintan, Kawal by bus, ferry, taxi, or subway

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Opp Bugis Stn Exit C to Bedok Intbus7
    2. Take the ferry from Tanah Merah Terminal to Bandar Bentan Telaniferry
    3. Take the taxi from Bandar Bentan Telani to The Residence Bintan, Kawaltaxi

    Line 7 bus, ferry, taxi

    4h 47m
    Rp 1,024,053–1,593,160
    1. Take the subway from City Hall to BedoksubwayEw
    2. Take the bus from Bedok Int to Tanah Merah Ferry Terbus35 / ...
    3. Take the ferry from Tanah Merah to Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminalferry
    4. Take the taxi from Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminal to The Residence Bintan, Kawaltaxi

    Subway, line 35 bus, ferry, taxi

    4h 52m
    Rp 804,053–937,134
    1. Take the ferry from Tanah Merah Terminal to Bandar Bentan Telaniferry
    2. Take the taxi from Bandar Bentan Telani to The Residence Bintan, Kawaltaxi

    Ferry, taxi

    4h 59m
    Rp 1,024,053–1,587,134
    1. Take the ferry from Tanah Merah to Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminalferry


    5h 26m
    Rp 804,053–937,134

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Singapore and The Residence Bintan, Kawal, Indonesia?

Majestic Fast Ferry operates a ferry from Tanah Merah to Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminal twice daily. Tickets cost Rp 662,939 and the journey takes 2h. Sindo Ferry also services this route twice daily.

Train operators
Bus operators
Ferry operators
Other operators

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