
How to get fromRio de Janeiro to Ilha Grandeby bus, ferry or subway

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There are 3 ways to get from Rio de Janeiro to Ilha Grande by bus, ferry, or subway

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Terminal Rodoviário Novo Rio to Conceição de JacareíbusRio de Janeiro / ...
    2. Take the ferry from Conceição de Jacareí to Vila do AbraãoferryConceição de Jacareí

    Bus, ferry

    3h 53m
    1. Take the subway from Central do Brasil to Campo Grandesubway
    2. Take the bus from Campo Grande to Mangaratibabus
    3. Take the ferry from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grandeferry

    Subway, bus, ferry

    4h 16m
    1. Take the bus from Rio de Janeiro - Castelo to Santa Cruzbus
    2. Take the bus from Praça Ruão to Mangaratibabus
    3. Take the ferry from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grandeferry

    Bus, ferry via Santa Cruz

    4h 11m

Rio de Janeiro to Ilha Grande by bus, foot, and ferry

Calendar63Weekly Services
Duration3h 53mAverage Duration
TicketR$112Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?

There is no direct connection from Rio de Janeiro to Ilha Grande. However, you can take the bus to Conceição de Jacareí, walk to Conceição de Jacareí, then take the ferry to Vila do Abraão. Alternatively, you can take a subway from Central do Brasil to Ilha Grande via Campo Grande, Campo Grande, Mangaratiba, and Mangaratiba in around 4h 16m.

Bus operators
Ferry operators

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