
How to get fromPowell Street to Geary Boulevardby bus, taxi, foot or cable car

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There are 5 ways to get from Powell Street to Geary Boulevard by bus, taxi, foot, or cable car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Columbus Ave & Union St to Park Presidio Blvd & Geary Blvdbus91

    Line 91 bus

    27 min
    1. Take the taxi from Powell Street to Geary Boulevardtaxi4.4 mi


    8 min
    1. Take the foot from Powell Street to Geary Boulevardwalk4.1 mi


    1h 19m
    1. Take the bus from Sacramento St & Sproule Ln to California St & 16th Avebus1

    Line 1 bus

    39 min
    1. Take the cable car from Mason St & Pacific Ave to Powell St & O'Farrell StcablecarPm
    2. Take the bus from Geary St & Stockton St to Geary Blvd & 17th Avebus38

    Cable car, line 38 bus

    49 min

Powell Street to Geary Boulevard by foot and bus

Calendar84Weekly Services
Duration27 minAverage Duration
Ticket$3Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Powell St, San Francisco, CA, USA and Geary Boulevard, CA, USA?

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency operates a bus from Columbus Ave & Union St to Park Presidio Blvd & Geary Blvd every 2 hours. Tickets cost $3 and the journey takes 17 min.

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Bus operators
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