There are 4 ways to get from Passau to Gyékényes by train, night train, bus, or car
Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
- Take the train from Passau Hbf to Wien MeidlingIce
- Take the train from Wien Meidling to SopronRe
- Take the train from Sopron to SzombathelyRe
- Take the train from Szombathely to GyekenyesIr
9h 25m- Take the bus from Passau to Sentilj
- Take the bus from Maribor bus station to Koprivnica bus stationN950 / ...
12h 23mFt 17,899–22,913- Take the night train from Passau Hbf to Wien MeidlingNj
- Take the train from Wien Meidling to SopronRe
- Take the bus from Sopron, Csengery utca, nyomda to Nagykanizsa, autóbusz-állomás
Night train, train, bus
11h 42mFt 25,781–76,589- Drive from Passau to Gyékényes495.3 km
Drive 495.3 km
4h 58mFt 34,650–50,049
Questions & Answers
The cheapest way to get from Passau to Gyékényes is to Bus which costs 17 000 Ft - 23 000 Ft and takes 12h 23m.
The fastest way to get from Passau to Gyékényes is to drive which takes 4h 58m and costs 34 000 Ft - 50 000 Ft.
The distance between Passau and Gyékényes is 554 km. The road distance is 495.3 km.
The best way to get from Passau to Gyékényes without a car is to train which takes 9h 25m and costs .
It takes approximately 9h 25m to get from Passau to Gyékényes, including transfers.
The best way to get from Passau to Gyékényes is to train which takes 9h 25m and costs . Alternatively, you can Bus, which costs 17 000 Ft - 23 000 Ft and takes 12h 23m.
Yes, the driving distance between Passau to Gyékényes is 495 km. It takes approximately 4h 58m to drive from Passau to Gyékényes.
There are 105+ hotels available in Gyékényes. Prices start at 9 080 Ft per night.
What companies run services between Passau, Germany and Gyékényes, Somogy megye, Hungary?
You can take a train from Passau Hbf to Gyékényes, Szabadság tér via Wien Meidling, Sopron, Szombathely, Gyekenyes, and Gyékényes, vasútállomás in around 9h 25m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Passau to Gyékényes, Szabadság tér via Sentilj, Šentilj v Slov. goricah ŽP, Avtobusna postaja Maribor, Maribor bus station, Koprivnica bus station, Koprivnica, Gyekenyes, and Gyékényes, vasútállomás in around 12h 23m.
Train from Passau Hbf to Wien Meidling
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 11m
- Frequency
- Every 4 hours
- Estimated price
- Ft 21,000–30,000
- Website
Train from Wien Meidling to Sopron
- Ave. Duration
- 1h 3m
- Frequency
- Twice daily
- Estimated price
- Ft 5,000–7,500
- Website
- Phone
- +43 5 1717
- Website
Train from Passau Hbf to Wien Meidling
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 16m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- Ft 24,000–36,000
- Website
- Website
- Website
Train from Passau Hbf to Wien Meidling
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 53m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Schedules at
- Phone
- +36 99/577-212
- Website
Train from Wien Meidling to Sopron
- Ave. Duration
- 1h 6m
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Website
Train from Sopron to Szombathely
- Ave. Duration
- 50 min
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Website
- Phone
- +36 (1) 3 49 49 49
- Website
Train from Szombathely to Gyekenyes
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 9m
- Frequency
- Every 4 hours
- Estimated price
- Ft 2,300–2,700
- Website
- Phone
- +43 51717
- Website
Night train from Passau Hbf to Wien Meidling
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 53m
- Frequency
- Twice daily
- Estimated price
- Ft 17,000–65,000
- Website
- Sleeper Carriage
- Ft 55,000–65,000
- Seating Carriage
- Ft 17,000–21,000
- Couchette Carriage
- Ft 36,000–45,000
- Phone
- +36 1 382 0888
- Website
Bus from Sopron, Csengery utca, nyomda to Nagykanizsa, autóbusz-állomás
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 3m
- Frequency
- Twice daily
- Estimated price
- Ft 2,600–3,800
- Website
- Phone
- +387 32 246 306
- Website
Bus from Passau to Sentilj
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 5m
- Frequency
- Once a week
- Estimated price
- Ft 11,000–14,000
- Schedules at
Rome2Rio's guide to FlixBus
Contact Details
- Phone
- +49 30 300 137 300
- Website
Bus from Maribor bus station to Koprivnica bus station
- Ave. Duration
- 3h 45m
- Frequency
- Twice daily
- Estimated price
- Ft 5,000–7,500
- Website
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