
How to get fromNew York to Harriman State Parkby bus, train, taxi or car

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There are 5 ways to get from New York to Harriman State Park by bus, train, taxi, or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Port Authority Bus Terminal to Rt 17 & Old Orange TpkbusShortLine Hudson


    1h 14m
    1. Drive from New York to Harriman State Parkcar44.8 mi

    Drive 44.8 mi

    58 min
    1. Take the train from Hoboken to HarrimantrainMnbnp


    1h 24m
    1. Take the taxi from New York to Harriman State Parktaxi44.8 mi


    58 min
    1. Take the bus from Port Authority Bus Terminal to Old Country Rd & Old Rte 202busRockland Coaches

    Bus via Old Country Rd & Old Rte 202

    1h 34m

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between New York, NY, USA and Harriman State Park, NY, USA?

Shortline Bus operates a bus from Port Authority Bus Terminal to Rt 17 & Old Orange Tpk every 2 hours. Tickets cost $11–17 and the journey takes 1h 1m. Alternatively, NJ Transit operates a train from Hoboken to Harriman every 2 hours. Tickets cost $10–16 and the journey takes 1h 6m.

Train operators
Bus operators
Other operators

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