
Airports near Albairate

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Duration1h 31m
Distance29 km
Average price€75
Nearby airports5 found

Closest airports to Albairate

The nearest airport to Albairate is Linate Airport. However, there are better options for getting to Albairate. You can take a bus from Bergamo Airport to Albairate via Piazza Luigi di Savoia, Loreto M1, Bisceglie, and MILANO Bisceglie M1 in around 2h 28m. Alternatively, you can take a train from Turin Caselle Airport to Albairate via Torino Porta Susa, Magenta, MAGENTA Stazione FS, and ABBIATEGRASSO P.le Vittorio Veneto in around 3h 53m.

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Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling to Albairate? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

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