
How to get fromNaperville to Burtonby train, bus, car, plane or taxi

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There are 5 ways to get from Naperville to Burton by train, bus, car, plane, or taxi

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the train from Naperville to Chicago Union StationtrainBnsf
    2. Take the train from Chicago Union Station to Flint Amtrak StationtrainBlue Water


    7h 10m
    1. Drive from Naperville to Burtoncar302.2 mi

    Drive 302.2 mi

    5h 6m
    1. Take the bus from Naperville to Chicago, Ilbus
    2. Take the bus from Chicago Bus Station to Kalamazoo Bus Stopbus
    3. Take the bus from Kalamazoo to Flint Amtrak Stationbus


    10h 36m
    1. Take the train from Naperville to Chicago Union Stationtrain
    2. Fly from Chicago O'Hare (ORD) to Flint (FNT)planeORD - FNT

    Train, fly to Flint

    4h 26m
    1. Take the train from Naperville to Chicago Union Stationtrain
    2. Fly from Chicago O'Hare (ORD) to Saginaw (MBS)planeORD - MBS
    3. Take the taxi from Saginaw (MBS) to Burtontaxi

    Train, fly to Saginaw, taxi

    5h 27m

Chicago O'Hare (ORD) to Flint (FNT) flights

Calendar35Weekly Planes
Duration1h 14mAverage Duration
Ticket$140Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Naperville, IL, USA and Burton, Genesee County, MI, USA?

You can take a train from Naperville to Burton via Chicago Union Station and Flint Amtrak Station in around 7h 10m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Naperville to Burton via Chicago, Il, Chicago Bus Station, Kalamazoo, and Flint Amtrak Station in around 10h 36m.

Train operators
Bus operators
Other operators

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