
How to get fromMoyobamba to Chotaby bus, car or plane

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There are 4 ways to get from Moyobamba to Chota by bus, car, or plane

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Moyobamba to Nueva Cajamarcabus
    2. Take the bus from Nueva Cajamarca to Bagua Grandebus
    3. Drive from Bagua Grande to Chotacar

    Bus, drive via Segunda Jerusalén - Azunguillo

    9h 5m
    1. Take the bus from Moyobamba to Bagua GrandebusLima
    2. Drive from Bagua Grande to Chotacar

    Bus, drive

    9h 26m
    1. Drive from Moyobamba to Chotacar475.9 km

    Drive 475.9 km

    7h 40m
    1. Take the bus from Moyobamba to Tarapotobus
    2. Fly from Tarapoto (TPP) to Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport (CIX)planeTPP - CIX
    3. Drive from Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport (CIX) to Chotacar

    Bus, fly, drive

    6h 52m

Tarapoto (TPP) to Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport (CIX) flights

Calendar3Weekly Planes
Duration50 minAverage Duration
Ticket$122Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Moyobamba, Peru and Chota, Cajamarca, Peru?

There is no direct connection from Moyobamba to Chota. However, you can take the bus to Nueva Cajamarca, walk to Nueva Cajamarca, take the bus to Bagua Grande, then drive to Chota. Alternatively, you can drive from Moyobamba to Chota in around 7h 40m.

Bus operators

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