
How to get fromLisbon to San Miguel de Allendeby plane, shuttle, bus or taxi

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There are 7 ways to get from Lisbon to San Miguel de Allende by plane, shuttle, bus, or taxi

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Mexico City International Airport (MEX)planeLIS - MEX
    2. Take a shuttle bus from T1 Aicm to San Miguel de Allendeshuttle

    Fly to Mexico City International Airport, shuttle

    21h 21m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Ponciano Arriaga International Airport (SLP)planeLIS - SLP
    2. Take the bus from San Luis Potosí to San Miguel de Allendebus

    Fly to Ponciano Arriaga International Airport, bus

    34h 38m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Querétaro International Airport (QRO)planeLIS - QRO
    2. Take a shuttle bus from Querétaro Alameda Central to San Miguel de Allendeshuttle

    Fly to Querétaro International Airport, Tour

    23h 2m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Puebla International Airport (PBC)planeLIS - PBC
    2. Take the bus from Huejotzingo to Terminal de Autobuses de Pasajeros de Orientebus
    3. Take a shuttle bus from T1 Aicm to San Miguel de Allendeshuttle

    Fly to Puebla International Airport, bus, shuttle

    34h 25m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Del Bajío International Airport (BJX)planeLIS - BJX
    2. Take the bus from León to San Miguel de Allendebus

    Fly to Del Bajío International Airport, bus

    25h 11m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to General Francisco Mujica International Airport (MLM)planeLIS - MLM
    2. Take the taxi from General Francisco Mujica International Airport (MLM) to Salvatierrataxi
    3. Take the bus from Salvatierra to San Miguel de Allendebus

    Fly to General Francisco Mujica International Airport, taxi, bus

    24h 10m
    1. Fly from Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Felipe Ángeles International Airport (NLU)planeLIS - NLU
    2. Take the bus from Tepotzotlán to San Miguel de Allendebus

    Fly to Felipe Ángeles International Airport, bus

    33h 34m

Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) to Mexico City International Airport (MEX) flights

Calendar37Weekly Planes
Duration16h 35mAverage Duration
Ticket$12,036Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Lisbon, Portugal and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico?

There is no direct connection from Lisbon to San Miguel de Allende. However, you can take the subway to Aeroporto, walk to Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) airport, fly to Mexico City International Airport (MEX), walk to T1 Aicm, then take the shuttle to San Miguel de Allende. Alternatively, you can take the subway to Aeroporto, walk to Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) airport, fly to Querétaro International Airport (QRO), walk to Aeropuerto Queretaro, take the bus to Terminal de Autobuses de Querétaro Acceso 3, walk to TAQ Transmetro, take the bus to Ignacio Zaragoza Y Tecnologico, take the bus to Zaragoza y Colón, walk to Querétaro Alameda Central, then take the shuttle to San Miguel de Allende.

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