There are 5 ways to get from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir by train, taxi, bus, or car
Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
- Take the train from Bandar Tasek to Batang MelakaEts
- Take the taxi from Batang Melaka to Bukit Gambir
bestTrain, taxi
2h 47mRM 215–289- Drive from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir172.2 km
cheapestDrive 172.2 km
1h 49mRM 33–47- Take the bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan to Muar
Bus via Muar
3h 3mRM 103–130- Take the taxi from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir172.2 km
1h 49mRM 550–700- Take the bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan to Tangkak
3h 17mRM 92–112
Questions & Answers
The cheapest way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir is to drive which costs RM 30 - RM 50 and takes 1h 49m.
The fastest way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir is to taxi which takes 1h 49m and costs RM 550 - RM 700.
The distance between Kuala Lumpur and Bukit Gambir is 187 km. The road distance is 172.2 km.
The best way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir without a car is to train and taxi which takes 2h 47m and costs RM 210 - RM 290.
It takes approximately 2h 47m to get from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir, including transfers.
Yes, the driving distance between Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir is 172 km. It takes approximately 1h 49m to drive from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Gambir.
There are 127+ hotels available in Bukit Gambir. Prices start at RM 54 per night.
What companies run services between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bukit Gambir, Johor, Malaysia?
Mayang Sari Express operates a bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan to Muar hourly. Tickets cost RM 17–21 and the journey takes 2h 39m.
- Phone
- +60 3 2267 1200
- Website
Train from Bandar Tasek to Batang Melaka
- Ave. Duration
- 1h 51m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- RM 14–40
- Website
- Express Economy
- RM 17–24
- Shuttle
- RM 14–40
- Express First
- RM 25–35
- Phone
- +606 952 0642
- Website
Bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan to Muar
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 39m
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Estimated price
- RM 17–21
- Book at
- Phone
- +603 7728 8789
- Website
Bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan to Tangkak
- Ave. Duration
- 3h
- Frequency
- Twice a week
- Estimated price
- RM 17
- Book at
- Ave. Duration
- 1h 23m
- Estimated price
- RM 200–700
Sunlight Taxi
- Phone
- 1300-800-222
- Website
Public Cab
- Phone
- +603 6259 2020
- Website
Grab Taxi
- Website
Comfort Taxi
- Phone
- +603-6179 6000
- Website
Blue Cab
- Phone
- +6012 212 1718
- Website
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