
How to get fromKonya to Kasby bus, taxi, train, car, plane or night bus

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There are 9 ways to get from Konya to Kas by bus, taxi, train, car, plane, or night bus

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Konya to Manavgatbus
    2. Take the bus from Manavgat bus station to Antalya bus stationbus
    3. Take the bus from Antalya to Çaltılarbus
    4. Take the taxi from Çaltılar to Kastaxi

    Bus, taxi

    8h 27m
    1. Take the bus from Konya to Manavgatbus
    2. Take the night bus from Manavgat bus station to İkrampark Keloğlan rest stationnightbus
    3. Take the taxi from İkrampark Keloğlan rest station to Kastaxi

    Bus, night bus, taxi

    9h 17m
    1. Take the train from Konya to Afyonkarahisar Ali Çetinkayatrain
    2. Take the train from Afyon Ali Çetinkaya to Kaklıktrain
    3. Take the taxi from Kaklık to Kastaxi

    Train, taxi

    12h 16m
    1. Drive from Konya to Kascar424.7 km

    Drive 424.7 km

    6h 42m
    1. Fly from Konya Airport (KYA) to Dalaman Airport (DLM)planeKYA - DLM
    2. Take the taxi from Dalaman Airport (DLM) to Kastaxi

    Fly to Dalaman Airport, taxi

    7h 24m
    1. Take the bus from Konya bus station to Antalya bus stationbusFlixBus KK5513 / ...
    2. Take the bus from Antalya to Fethiyebus


    17h 11m
    1. Fly from Konya Airport (KYA) to Denizli Çardak Airport (DNZ)planeKYA - DNZ
    2. Take the taxi from Denizli Çardak Airport (DNZ) to Kastaxi

    Fly to Denizli Çardak Airport, taxi

    9h 8m
    1. Fly from Konya Airport (KYA) to Antalya Airport (AYT)planeKYA - AYT
    2. Take the bus from Antalya to Çaltılarbus
    3. Take the taxi from Çaltılar to Kastaxi

    Fly to Antalya Airport, bus, taxi

    10h 7m
    1. Fly from Konya Airport (KYA) to Milas–Bodrum Airport (BJV)planeKYA - BJV
    2. Take the bus from Milas to Köyceğizbus
    3. Take the taxi from Köyceğiz to Kastaxi

    Fly to Milas–Bodrum Airport, bus, taxi

    10h 53m

Konya Airport (KYA) to Dalaman Airport (DLM) flights

Calendar27Weekly Planes
Duration5h 7mAverage Duration
Ticket₺1,241Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Konya, Turkey and Kas, Turkey?

You can take a shuttle from Konya Anıt to Kas via Konya Otogar Kavşağı, Konya bus station, Antalya bus station, Antalya, and Fethiye in around 17h 11m.

Bus operators
Other operators

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