
How to get fromKnysna to Robertsonby taxi, bus, car or plane

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There are 5 ways to get from Knysna to Robertson by taxi, bus, car, or plane

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the taxi from Knysna to Sasoltaxi
    2. Take the bus from Sasol to Beaufort Westbus
    3. Take the bus from Beaufort West to Worcesterbus
    4. Take the bus from Worcester to Robertsonbus

    Taxi, bus

    11h 56m
    1. Drive from Knysna to Robertsoncar208.6 mi

    Drive 208.6 mi

    4h 5m
    1. Take the taxi from Knysna to Robertsontaxi208.6 mi


    4h 5m
    1. Take the taxi from Knysna to George (GRJ)taxi
    2. Fly from George (GRJ) to Capetown (CPT)planeGRJ - CPT
    3. Take the taxi from Capetown (CPT) to Robertsontaxi

    Taxi to George, fly, taxi

    3h 29m
    1. Fly from Plettenberg Bay (PBZ) to Capetown (CPT)planePBZ - CPT
    2. Take the taxi from Capetown (CPT) to Robertsontaxi

    Fly from Plettenberg Bay, taxi

    3h 20m

George (GRJ) to Capetown (CPT) flights

Calendar21Weekly Planes
Duration56 minAverage Duration
Ticket$41Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Knysna, South Africa and Robertson, South Africa?

There is no direct connection from Knysna to Robertson. However, you can take the taxi to Sasol, take the bus to Beaufort West, take the bus to Worcester, then take the bus to Robertson. Alternatively, you can then take the taxi to Robertson.

Bus operators
Other operators

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