
How to get fromIslamabad to Khanewalby bus, taxi, car or plane

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There are 4 ways to get from Islamabad to Khanewal by bus, taxi, car, or plane

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Take the bus from Islamabad to Multanbus


    4h 49m
    1. Drive from Islamabad to Khanewalcar501.1 km

    Drive 501.1 km

    4h 43m
    1. Take the taxi from Islamabad to Khanewaltaxi501.1 km


    4h 43m
    1. Fly from Islamabad International Airport (ISB) to Multan International Airport (MUX)planeISB - MUX
    2. Take the taxi from Multan International Airport (MUX) to Khanewaltaxi

    Fly, taxi

    8h 47m

Islamabad International Airport (ISB) to Multan International Airport (MUX) flights

Calendar20Weekly Planes
Duration9h 21mAverage Duration
Ticket$155Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Islamabad, Pakistan and Khanewal, Pakistan?

Faisal Movers operates a bus from Islamabad to Multan hourly, and the journey takes 4h 36m.

Other operators

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