There are 3 ways to get from Innsbruck to Umhausen by train, bus, taxi, or car
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Innsbruck to Umhausen by train and bus
Questions & Answers
The cheapest way to get from Innsbruck to Umhausen is to drive which costs €11 - €17 and takes 42 min.
The fastest way to get from Innsbruck to Umhausen is to taxi which takes 42 min and costs €140 - €180.
The distance between Innsbruck and Umhausen is 62 km. The road distance is 62.9 km.
The best way to get from Innsbruck to Umhausen without a car is to train and bus which takes 1h 28m and costs €11 - €35.
It takes approximately 1h 28m to get from Innsbruck to Umhausen, including transfers.
Yes, the driving distance between Innsbruck to Umhausen is 63 km. It takes approximately 42 min to drive from Innsbruck to Umhausen.
There are 2128+ hotels available in Umhausen. Prices start at €79 per night.
What companies run services between Innsbruck, Austria and Umhausen, Austria?
There is no direct connection from Innsbruck to Umhausen. However, you can take the train to Oetztal, walk to Ötztal-Bahnhof, then take the bus to Umhausen Feuerwehr. Alternatively, you can then take the taxi to Umhausen.
Train from Innsbruck Hbf to Oetztal
- Ave. Duration
- 37 min
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Estimated price
- €8–12
- Website
Train from Innsbruck Hbf to Oetztal
- Ave. Duration
- 23 min
- Frequency
- Every 3 hours
- Estimated price
- €12–18
- Website
- Phone
- +49 30 311-682904
- Website
Train from Innsbruck Hbf to Oetztal
- Ave. Duration
- 23 min
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- €23–26
- Website
- Phone
- +43 5 1717
- Website
Train from Innsbruck Hbf to Oetztal
- Ave. Duration
- 23 min
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- €19–28
- Website
- Website
- Phone
- +43 (0) 5254 3550
- Website
Bus from Ötztal-Bahnhof to Umhausen Feuerwehr
- Ave. Duration
- 31 min
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Schedules at
- Phone
- +43 512 56 16 16
- Website
Bus from Ötztal-Bahnhof to Umhausen Feuerwehr
- Ave. Duration
- 31 min
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- €3–6
- Schedules at
- Ave. Duration
- 42 min
- Estimated price
- €140–180
Taxi 5311
- Phone
- +43 512 5311
- Website
Innsbruk Taxi
- Phone
- +43 650 636 8830
- Website
Dolphin Taxi
- Phone
- +43 512 580909
- Phone
- +43 676 60 20 724
- Website
Airport Transfer & Taxi Alpstria Innsbruck
- Phone
- +43 650 71 11 294
- Website
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