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About Malang near Malang (Station)

Malang is an inland city in the Indonesian province of East Java. It has a history dating back to the age of Singhasari Kingdom. It is the second most populous city in the province, with a population of 820,043 at the 2010 Census and 843,810 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 846,126 (comprising 420,897 males and 425,229 females). The Malang Metropolitan area (Greater Malang) was home to 3,663,691 inhabitants in 2010, spread across two cities (Malang itself and Batu) and 22 districts (21 in Malang Regency and one in Pasuruan Regency). Malang is the third largest city by economy in East Java, after Surabaya and Kediri, with an estimated 2016 GDP at Rp. 44.30 trillion.

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