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About Indore near IIT Indore

Indore is the largest and most populous city in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is consistently ranked as the cleanest city in India. It serves as the headquarters of both the Indore District and the Indore Division. It is also considered as the state education hub and houses campuses of both the Indian Institute of Technology and the Indian Institute of Management. Located on the southern edge of Malwa Plateau, at an average altitude of 553 meters above sea level, it has the highest elevation among major cities of Central India. The city is west of the state capital of Bhopal. It is 57 km (35 mi) from Ujjain and 35 km (20 mi) from Dewas. Indore had a census-estimated 2011 population of 1,994,397 (municipal corporation) and 3,570,295 (urban agglomeration). The city is distributed over a land area of just 530 km2, making Indore the most densely populated major city in the central province.

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