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About Hebron near Cave of the Patriarchs

Hebron (Arabic: الخليل, pronunciation or خَلِيل الرَّحْمَن ; Hebrew: חֶבְרוֹן, pronunciation) is a Palestinian city in the southern West Bank, 30 km south of Jerusalem. Nestled in the Judaean Mountains, it lies 930 m above sea level. The second-largest city in the West Bank (after East Jerusalem), and the third-largest in the Palestinian territories (after East Jerusalem and Gaza), it had a population of 201,063 Palestinians in 2017, and seven hundred Jewish settlers concentrated on the outskirts of its Old City. It includes the Cave of the Patriarchs, which Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions all designate as the burial site of three key patriarchal/matriarchal couples. The city is often considered one of the four holy cities in Judaism as well as in Islam.

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