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About Binjai

Binjai, formally Kota Binjai (Binjai City), is an independent city in the North Sumatra province of Indonesia, bordered by Deli Serdang Regency to the east and Langkat Regency to the west. Binjai is connected to Medan (the provincial capital), about 22 km to the east, by the Sumatra highway that goes to Banda Aceh, and effectively forms a part of Greater Medan. The city's population was 181,904 in the 1990 Census, 224,516 in the 2000 Census, 246,154 in the 2010 Census, and 291,842 in the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 300,009, comprising 150,032 males and 149,977 females In mid 2022, a further 47,774 inhabitants lived in Binjai District of Langkat Regency, outside the city limits but immediately north of the city.

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