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About Isiolo near Ashnil Samburu Camp, Archers Post

Isiolo is a town in Isiolo County, of which it is the capital. It is located in the upper eastern region of Kenya and is geographically considered the center of the country Kenya. It lies 285 kilometers north of the capital Nairobi. The town grew around the local military camps, much of the population being descendants of former Somali soldiers who had fought in World War I as well as other Cushitic-speaking pastoral communities and the Ameru community. The name Isiolo originates from the Somali word ' Is ilow' which translates to forget yourself. It was a term that the local Somalis would tell newcomers who had the intention of moving back to Somalia when Kenya gained independence. The town has an estimated population of 78,250, most of them living around the outskirts of the town. Like most African cities, there has been a steady increase in the urban population in recent years, especially moving from as far as Moyale, Marsabit and Mandera. Isiolo town is also becoming a centre of interest because of its newly acquired status as a resort city cashing in on the popular Samburu and Shaba Game reserves, which have become preferred destinations after the famed Maasai Mara. Isiolo lies along the long A2 Road, leading towards Marsabit and Moyale much further north.

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