
How to get fromFlorence to Tarnobrzegby plane, train, bus, night train or car

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There are 11 ways to get from Florence to Tarnobrzeg by plane, train, bus, night train, or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Fly from Florence Peretola Airport (FLR) to Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport (RZE)planeFLR - RZE
    2. Take the train from Zaczernie to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Fly Florence Peretola Airport to Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport, train

    10h 13m
    zł 159–990
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Venezia MestretrainFr
    2. Take the train from Venezia Mestre to Wien HbftrainRj
    3. Take the train from Wien Hbf to Krakow GlownytrainEc
    4. Take the train from Krakow Glowny to TarnobrzegtrainIc


    19h 36m
    zł 737–1,281
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Verona Porta NuovatrainFr
    2. Take the bus from Verona Porta Nuova to TARNOBRZEG Przystanek, obok 'STOKROTKA' ul. Adama Mickiewicza 40bus

    Train, bus

    23h 42m
    zł 268–506
    1. Take the night train from Firenze S.M.N. to Wien HbfnighttrainNj
    2. Take the train from Wien Hbf to Krakow PlaszowtrainEc
    3. Take the train from Krakow Plaszow to TarnobrzegtrainIc

    Night train, train

    21h 14m
    zł 565–1,182
    1. Fly from Florence Peretola Airport (FLR) to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice (KRK)planeFLR - KRK
    2. Take the train from Krakow Glowny to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Fly Florence Peretola Airport to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice, train

    10h 3m
    zł 447–1,290
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Bologna Centraletrain
    2. Fly from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ) to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice (KRK)planeBLQ - KRK
    3. Take the train from Krakow Glowny to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Train to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport, fly to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice, train

    7h 55m
    zł 308–1,557
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Bologna Centraletrain
    2. Fly from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ) to Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport (RZE)planeBLQ - RZE
    3. Take the train from Zaczernie to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Train to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport, fly to Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport, train

    12h 40m
    zł 490–2,007
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Bologna Centraletrain
    2. Fly from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ) to Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW)planeBLQ - WAW
    3. Take the train from Warszawa Sluzewiec to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Train to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport, fly to Warsaw Chopin Airport, train

    9h 8m
    zł 365–1,560
    1. Take the train from Firenze S.M.N. to Pisa Centraletrain
    2. Fly from Galileo Galilei International Airport (PSA) to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice (KRK)planePSA - KRK
    3. Take the train from Krakow Glowny to Tarnobrzegtrain

    Train to Galileo Galilei International Airport, fly to John Paul Ii International Airport Kraków–Balice, train

    8h 29m
    zł 317–1,166
    1. Take the bus from Scandicci, Villa Costanza to Kolbuszowabus


    26h 44m
    1. Drive from Florence to Tarnobrzegcar1,491.8 km

    Drive 1,491.8 km

    14h 22m
    zł 1,102–1,591

Florence to Tarnobrzeg by train

Calendar7Weekly Trains
Duration19h 36mAverage Duration
Ticketzł 737Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Florence, Italy and Tarnobrzeg, Poland?

You can take a train from Firenze S.M.N. to Tarnobrzeg via Venezia Mestre, Wien Hbf, and Krakow Glowny in around 19h 36m. Alternatively, Miś Krosno operates a bus from Scandicci, Villa Costanza to Kolbuszowa once a week, and the journey takes 25h.

Train operators
Bus operators

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