
How to get fromEgypt to Lod Airbaseby plane or bus

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There are 4 ways to get from Egypt to Lod Airbase by plane or bus

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Fly from Luxor (LXR) to Ben Gurion Airport (TLV)planeLXR - TLV


    5h 6m
    1. Take the bus from Cairo to Tababus
    2. Take the bus from Eilat Central Station/Platforms to Tel Aviv Central Station 6th Floor/Alightbus390 / ...

    Bus via Taba

    14h 31m
    1. Take the bus from Cairo to Amman Abdali Terminalbus
    2. Take the bus from Jerusalem Central Bus Station 3rd Floor/Platforms to Israel Aerospace Industries Junctionbus950 / ...


    14h 20m
    1. Take the bus from Cairo to Tababus
    2. Take the bus from Eilat to Tel Avivbus

    Bus via Taba #2

    15h 12m

Luxor (LXR) to Ben Gurion Airport (TLV) flights

Calendar7Weekly Planes
Duration3h 52mAverage Duration
Ticket₪394Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Egypt and Lod Airbase, Israel?

Egyptair, Neos, and Air Cairo fly from Luxor (LXR) to Ben Gurion Airport (TLV) once daily. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Cairo to Lod Airbase via Amman Abdali Terminal, King Hussein Bridge, King Hussein Bridge, Allenby Bridge Junction/Road 90, Allenby Bridge Junction/Road 90, Jerusalem Central Bus Station/Alight, Jerusalem Central Bus Station 3rd Floor/Platforms, and Israel Aerospace Industries Junction in around 14h 20m.

Bus operators

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