There are 6 ways to get from Chota to Ibagué by taxi, plane, car, or bus
Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
- Take the taxi from Chota to Cajamarca (CJA)
- Fly from Cajamarca (CJA) to Perales Airport (IBE)CJA - IBE
bestTaxi to Cajamarca, fly to Perales Airport
11h 45m$298–790- Drive from Chota to Bagua Grande
- Take the bus from Bagua Grande to Piura
- Take the bus from Piura to Terminal de Transporte Cali
- Take the bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Buga
- Take the bus from Buga to Ibagué
cheapestDrive, bus
47h 31m$171–246- Drive from Chota to Ibagué2,202.9 km
Drive 2,202.9 km
31h 49m$332–479- Take the taxi from Chota to Cajamarca (CJA)
- Fly from Cajamarca (CJA) to El Dorado International Airport (BOG)CJA - BOG
- Take the bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
Taxi to Cajamarca, fly to El Dorado International Airport, bus
13h 10m$244–494- Drive from Chota to Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport (CIX)
- Fly from Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport (CIX) to El Dorado International Airport (BOG)CIX - BOG
- Take the bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
Drive to Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport, fly to El Dorado International Airport, bus
12h 40m$172–536- Take the taxi from Chota to Cajamarca
- Take the bus from Cajamarca to Chiclayo
- Take the bus from Chiclayo to Terminal de Transporte Cali
- Take the bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Ibague
Taxi, bus
2d 2h$262–337
Cajamarca (CJA) to Perales Airport (IBE) flights
Questions & Answers
The cheapest way to get from Chota to Ibagué is to drive and bus which costs $170 - $250 and takes 47h 31m.
The fastest way to get from Chota to Ibagué is to taxi and fly which takes 11h 45m and costs $290 - $800.
The distance between Chota and Ibagué is 1478 km. The road distance is 2202.9 km.
The best way to get from Chota to Ibagué without a car is to taxi and bus which takes 2 days 2h and costs $260 - $340.
It takes approximately 11h 45m to get from Chota to Ibagué, including transfers.
Yes, the driving distance between Chota to Ibagué is 2203 km. It takes approximately 31h 49m to drive from Chota to Ibagué.
There are 299+ hotels available in Ibagué. Prices start at $10 USD per night.
What companies run services between Chota, Cajamarca, Peru and Ibagué, Colombia?
There is no direct connection from Chota to Ibagué. However, you can take the taxi to Cajamarca (CJA) airport, fly to Perales Airport (IBE), then take the taxi to Ibagué. Alternatively, you can take a vehicle from Chota to Ibagué via Bagua Grande, Piura, Piura, Terminal de Transporte Cali, and Buga in around 47h 31m.
- Website
Flights from Cajamarca to Perales Airport via Lima, El Dorado International Airport
- Ave. Duration
- 16h 36m
- When
- Monday to Saturday
- Estimated price
- $180–650
Flights from Cajamarca to Perales Airport via Lima, Medellin Jose Marie Cordova, El Dorado International Airport
- Ave. Duration
- 16h 36m
- When
- Tuesday
- Estimated price
- $200–700
Flights from Cajamarca to El Dorado International Airport via Lima
- Ave. Duration
- 8h 35m
- When
- Every day
- Estimated price
- $120–430
Flights from Cajamarca to El Dorado International Airport via Lima, Medellin Jose Marie Cordova
- Ave. Duration
- 11h 36m
- When
- Wednesday and Thursday
- Estimated price
- $140–470
Flights from Cajamarca to El Dorado International Airport via Lima, Quito
- Ave. Duration
- 13h 39m
- When
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Estimated price
- $130–440
Flights from Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport to El Dorado International Airport via Lima
- Ave. Duration
- 6h 10m
- When
- Every day
- Estimated price
- $130–470
- Website
Flights from Cajamarca to Perales Airport via Lima, El Dorado International Airport
- Ave. Duration
- 11h 29m
- When
- Every day
- Estimated price
- $180–650
Flights from Cajamarca to El Dorado International Airport via Lima
- Ave. Duration
- 6h 26m
- When
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Estimated price
- $120–430
Flights from Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport to El Dorado International Airport via Lima
- Ave. Duration
- 7h 45m
- When
- Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
- Estimated price
- $130–470
- Website
Flights from Cajamarca to El Dorado International Airport via Lima, Medellin Jose Marie Cordova
- Ave. Duration
- 12h 45m
- When
- Wednesday
- Estimated price
- $120–340
- Website
Flights from Cap. Fap José A. Quiñones Gonzáles International Airport to El Dorado International Airport via Panama City
- Ave. Duration
- 5h 19m
- When
- Tuesday and Friday
- Estimated price
- $140–650
- Phone
- +51 1 716 8000
- Website
Bus from Bagua Grande to Piura
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 47m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- $16–23
- Schedules at
Bus from Piura to Terminal de Transporte Cali
- Ave. Duration
- 31h 30m
- Frequency
- 3 times a week
- Estimated price
- $110–140
- Schedules at
Bus from Chiclayo to Terminal de Transporte Cali
- Ave. Duration
- 34h 30m
- Frequency
- 3 times a week
- Estimated price
- $130–160
- Schedules at
- Phone
- +57 318 7606799
- Website
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Buga
- Ave. Duration
- 1h
- Frequency
- Every 15 minutes
- Estimated price
- $4
- Schedules at
- Phone
- 01 800 051 8001
- Website
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Buga
- Ave. Duration
- 1h 55m
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- $5–16
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Expreso Brasilia
- $5–16
Bus from Buga to Ibagué
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 30m
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- $9–19
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Expreso Brasilia
- $9–19
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 6h 25m
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- $11–21
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Expreso Brasilia
- $11–21
Bus from Buga to Ibagué
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 15m
- Frequency
- Every 2 hours
- Estimated price
- $9–15
- Schedules at
- Book at
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 6h
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Estimated price
- $12–18
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Phone
- +57 333 033 4244
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 4h
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Estimated price
- $9–14
- Schedules at
- Phone
- +57 601 4249090
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 45m
- Frequency
- Every 30 minutes
- Estimated price
- $7–12
- Schedules at
- Book at
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 57m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- $10–16
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Phone
- +57 601 477 4223
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 5h
- Frequency
- Every 30 minutes
- Estimated price
- $9–14
- Schedules at
- Phone
- +57 1 3682390
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 45m
- Frequency
- Hourly
- Estimated price
- $11
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Phone
- +57 318 801 1800
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 4h 30m
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- $7–11
- Book at
- Phone
- 018000116222
- Website
Bus from Terminal Salitre to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 3h 30m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Estimated price
- $11–15
- Schedules at
- Book at
- Phone
- +51 4429 7000
- Website
Bus from Cajamarca to Chiclayo
- Economy
- $9–14
- First
- $14–18
- First VIP
- $15
- Phone
- +51 1 5338102
- Website
Bus from Cajamarca to Chiclayo
- Ave. Duration
- 5h 30m
- Frequency
- Once daily
- Schedules at
- Phone
- 01-8000-910293
- Website
Bus from Terminal de Transporte Cali to Ibague
- Ave. Duration
- 7h
- Frequency
- 4 times a day
- Estimated price
- $14–19
- Schedules at
- Ave. Duration
- 2h 29m
- Estimated price
- $110–140
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