
How to get fromCastellammare del Golfo to Amalfi Coastby car, ferry, bus, train or plane

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There are 7 ways to get from Castellammare del Golfo to Amalfi Coast by car, ferry, bus, train, or plane

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.

    1. Drive from Castellammare del Golfo to Port of Palermocar
    2. Take the ferry from Port of Palermo to Port of Naplesferry

    Drive, ferry

    10h 19m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo to Palermobus
    2. Take the bus from Palermo Via Tommaso Fazello to Battipaglia OspedalebusAutoservizi Salemi S202


    15h 28m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo - Piazza della Repubblica to Palermo Belgiobus
    2. Take the train from Palermo Notarbartolo to MilazzotrainRe
    3. Take the train from Milazzo to SalernotrainIc

    Bus, train via Milazzo

    12h 16m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo - Piazza della Repubblica to Palermo Viale Croce Rossabus
    2. Fly from Palermo Airport (PMO) to Naples International Airport (NAP)planePMO - NAP
    3. Take the bus from Napoli - Capodichino Aeroporto to Ravello Via Carusiellobus

    Bus, fly

    7h 19m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo to Palermobus
    2. Take the train from Palermo Centrale to Messina CentraletrainRe
    3. Take the ferry from Messina Marittima to Villa San Giovanniferry
    4. Take the train from Villa San Giovanni to Salernotrain
    5. Take the ferry from Port of Salerno to Port of Amalfiferry

    Bus, train, ferry

    12h 37m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo to Palermobus
    2. Take the train from Palermo Centrale to SalernotrainIc

    Bus, train

    13h 32m
    1. Take the bus from Castellammare del Golfo to Palermobus
    2. Take the ferry from Port of Palermo to Port of Salernoferry
    3. Take the ferry from Port of Salerno to Port of Amalfiferry

    Bus, ferry

    15h 47m

Palermo Airport (PMO) to Naples International Airport (NAP) flights

Calendar21Weekly Planes
Duration58 minAverage Duration
Ticket€26Cheapest Price
See schedules

Questions & Answers

What companies run services between Castellammare del Golfo, Italy and Amalfi Coast, Italy?

You can take a bus from Castellammare del Golfo to Amalfi Coast via Palermo, Palermo Via Tommaso Fazello, Battipaglia - Ospedale, Garibaldi Barrella, Salerno, and Atrani in around 15h 28m.

Train operators
Bus operators
Ferry operators

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