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About Belford Roxo

Belford Roxo is a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is a part of the metropolitan region of the city of Rio de Janeiro and was created in 1990. Its population was 513,118 in 2020 and its area is 79 km². Belford Roxo is one of the less prosperous cities in the state, due to its low GDP and relatively large population. Its climate is tropical with an average temperature of 18 °C (63 °F). Bayer and Lubrizol are the biggest companies in the municipality. It was named after Engineer Raimundo Teixeira Belfort Roxo. While serving as General Construction and Building Inspector for the city of Rio de Janeiro, Belfort Roxo, together with fellow engineer Paulo de Frontin, solved the water shortage problems of the area during the summer of 1889.

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Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling to Belford Roxo, Brazil? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

There are 70+ hotels available in Belford Roxo. Prices start at R$ 80 per night.

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It is currently 1:12 PM in Belford Roxo. Belford Roxo uses E. South America Standard Time and also supports E. South America Daylight Time.