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About Cumaná

Cumaná is the capital city of Venezuela's Sucre State. It is located 402 km east of Caracas. Cumaná was one of the first cities founded by Spain in the mainland Americas and is the oldest continuously-inhabited Hispanic-established city in South America. Its early history includes several successful counters by the indigenous people of the area who were attempting to prevent Spanish incursion into their land, resulting in the city being refounded several times. The municipality of Sucre, which includes the capital city, Cumaná, had a population of 358,919 at the 2011 Census; the latest estimate (as at mid 2016) is 423,546.

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Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling to Cumaná, Venezuela? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

It is currently 12:20 AM in Cumaná. Cumaná uses Venezuela Standard Time and also supports Venezuela Daylight Time.